
Alternative habitat for the Little Ringed Plover

Biodiversity is an important issue for us. Nature conservationists discovered two pairs of Little Ringed Plovers, a rare migratory bird, breeding on our site in Offenbach.

This plover is one of 27 bird species currently on the regional Red List of threatened species. Numbers of this species have declined by more than 20 % over the past 25 years. According to the nature conservationists, the Little Ringed Plover had to take advantage of man-made environments since their natural habitats have increasingly been destroyed by man. This species has mainly adapted to breeding in gravel quarries in the Rhine-Main area. This is why the Little Ringed Plover has settled on the new SAMSON site.

SAMSON has now established an alternative habitat for this bird while construction at the new site is under way. The city of Offenbach has provided an unused 12,000-m²-large plot of land in the Kaiserlei district for this purpose. We had this plot fenced off and prepared in time before the beginning of spring.

This project is an interim solution. The rooftops of various SAMSON buildings at the new Offenbach site will have a greenery coverage, which will serve as a breeding habitat for these birds. The new environment will be ready in 2026 at the latest.